Community Primary School
Welcome to Fenton Community Primary School – where tradition meets innovation. Our nurturing environment inspires every child to thrive, supported by a creative, engaging and dynamic curriculum, rich with real-world connections and meaningful experiences. Together, we empower our pupils to reach their full potential in every thing they do.

Headteacher / Pennaeth
Mr. G. Thomas
A very warm welcome to the updated Fenton Community Primary School website. We will be developing this further over the coming months, and are looking forward to creating a comprehensive website to support our learners and families, as well as a way in which we can share our achievements and developments with the wider community.
Fenton is a thriving community school at the heart of a diverse community. Our students and staff work exceptionally well together - always striving to improve, both personally and as a school community. Visitors to the school never fail to mention how happy and welcoming the children are. Staff are exceptionally supportive and caring, which makes Fenton a warm, safe and inclusive place where pupils can learn and experience new things without fear of failure. This is very important to us. I am very proud to be leading this school.
Our school moto underpins everything we do at Fenton Primary School:
‘Be the best we can be’ - ‘Byddwn y gorau y gallwn’
At Fenton our vision is to equip children for life by providing them with the academic, social and personal skills they need to succeed in education, to relate well to others and to pursue their dreams. We strive to achieve this through an exciting curriculum that we are developing as part of the new ‘Curriculum for Wales’.
A key word to life at Fenton is ‘purpose’. We believe that children need to understand what they are learning, why they need to know it and to have the opportunity to apply their learning in meaningful ways.
Please note that the Local Authority is responsible for the admissions process in Pembrokeshire.
School Gallery
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